So, three weeks instead of the predicted two between entries—but on the whole a good stretch.
We did have a wonderful week in Cambridge, watching Dylan work at his language and counting skills. A week-long visit is definitely better than a weekend one for getting to know a little person. By the time we left we were clearly "Gamma" and "Gampa," among expected members of the household, and had our assigned seats at the kitchen table—all really very happy things, if you don't count the sadness of saying "goodbye till next visit."
The other big event has been Steve's first-since-November teaching gig. He signed up to teach a three-day AP English training in Flint, Michigan this past week, and was very excited to be feeling well enough to do it. At first he thought he'd drive out on his own, but as the time approached I felt too nervous about his driving alone (especially back home after a day of teaching), so I went along. He was, as it turned out, glad to have me do much of the long-distance driving, and I got quite a lot of my school-prep work done with my computer in the hotel. The training went very well, and he was energized and excited to be "back in the saddle" for a change.
The day after returning from Flint (Thursday, 8/16) was chemo time again. His blood counts were pretty good and the infusion went smoothly, though he's feeling somewhat more than usually "beat-up" with the side effects these couple of days. After two weeks free of chemo, his system is sort of what-the-helling more than it did in the later weeks of the previous cycle—though not as badly as during week one of that previous cycle, so I guess that's a useful comparison. So far, the pills he has at home are keeping the side effects under control, and we look forward to their subsiding with time. Meanwhile, we had a quiet evening at home to celebrate our 43rd anniversary.
After the end of this four-dose cycle we'll have another CAT scan to assess the progress of the chemo against the cancer. That will be in mid-September. School starts for me again week after next, though there are Introductory Week activities during the week coming up. And Steve hopes to get more workshop gigs in this fall season. So, onward we go. J
Thanks to all of you for following our progress and continuing to send your support over all kinds of media and waves and vibrations. We feel it, and it helps so much. Enjoy the last bits of summer!