Note: The following is Steve's update of December 4, 2011, reposted here for those who missed it or would like to catch up.
Dear friends and family,
Last Sunday I sent out an update that outlined what we expected to be going on during the
coming week, and then on Monday the whole shebang took a sharp turn to the left. After my
radiation treatments began on Friday, I found it increasingly difficult to swallow (just when I had
been thinking that things were getting better there), and by Monday I was hardly able to consume
anything. We estimated perhaps 50 calories on Monday. So when I saw the radiation oncologist
after Monday's treatment, she determined that I needed to have the feeding tube inserted as soon
as possible, and I was admitted to the hospital as an emergency patient on Monday evening.
The hospital story could be a very long one, but I haven't got the energy to tell it. Suffice it to
say that I had the surgery on Wednesday (how ironic--that was the day it had been scheduled for
originally), and I came home on Friday. I now have a feeding tube through which I am currently
receiving all my nourishment. That will continue until such time as I can supplement that with
food by mouth, but right now, even though I can swallow small sips of water, we are relying on
the tube for all of it. That means I am connected to a pump, and therefore the electricity in the
wall, and so I am limited in my movement. I can disconnect if I need to, and occasionally I do
(such as now), but by and large I am tethered to the apparatus and it goes where I go.
Radiation continues on weekday afternoons, and we are hoping to see progress on that front.
I did not get to play bridge the other night. Several of you commented on that detail from what I
wrote before. Our next game will be in a couple of weeks, and we will try again.
In general I am feeling a little stronger each day, and while Boredom is a fairly constant
companion, it is little by little taking the place of Discomfort.
I make no predictions for the coming week except for more of the same. Carol continues to be as
dependable and unflagging a helpmeet as one could want.
I thank you all again for the many, many messages of good wishes. It is much easier to remain
positive when surrounded by positive people (unlike my roommates at the hospital--someday I
may have to tell that story), and so you are providing me a great service. Several of you wrote
extended messages that I want to respond do individually, and when I can, I will.