Just to keep things current, here's a (fairly) short account of the first full week of February. We had a great day of visiting on Monday—Olivia Schwartz came with matzo ball soup; John and Liz Schutter came to play bridge, and also brought soup—theirs is chicken-rice; and Anne Ogan came to visit and leave an entertaining book. All that good company is very heartening and we continue to appreciate every bit of it.
On Tuesday we both went again to The Gathering Place and met with our respective groups. This week both groups included people reporting on very difficult circumstances in their individual situations—giving us strengthening perspective as well as opportunities to lend support to others whose positions are even more challenging than ours.
Wednesday was our sixth chemotherapy appointment, and this time also a meeting with the oncologist. The chemo seemed to go smoothly enough, as it has before. Hemoglobin level was 11.1 this time, which the oncologist opined was holding up "nicely." Next week is our "week off" from the chemo, so next Wednesday we instead have a CAT scan; then the following week we are scheduled to confer with the doctor over the scan results, and begin the next series of three weekly chemo infusions based on those results. When we asked what the ongoing plan looks like at this point, he said "three weeks on, one week off, repeating until further notice." ;-> So—of course "further notice" could come at any time, depending on what the scans show and what symptoms present themselves. But at least there is a tentative ongoing plan in place, which feels like more predictability than we've had up to now.
Thursday we went out dancing again in the evening. Again we danced just a few numbers, and visited with friends we saw there. Friday morning was a particularly tired one for Steve (the dancing does keep us out later than our currently usual bedtime), but the outing has compensating advantages, we think. And later in the day our next door neighbor stopped in for a visit. Steve enjoyed seeing him, and looks forward to more visits which may include some iPhone app tutoring (which then maybe Steve can pass on to me!).
Saturday morning we had several inches of snow outside and more steadily falling—but the Schutters came over again for an afternoon of bridge, which was again very enjoyable.
For today (Sunday) there's yet more snow, and I have a file-cabinet-worth of school prep work to do, so a quiet day at home seems indicated. I think that's it for now. Onward…! And again, thanks to all of you who continue to send your support and wishes in all the many forms those take. We both find them very heartening.