Friday, May 25, 2012

encouraging progress...

 This will be short, since Steve's lovely post with the photo in his green suit has intervened and shown you that he's really feeling better! J  But for those of you who are also interested in the technical details supplied by my news bulletins—

1)        1 at this Wednesday's Infusion Center appointment, the platelet count was within the target range, so we were able to go ahead with the scheduled infusion and resume the chemotherapy pills.   Therefore, it seems the respite is finished and the affirmative battle against the various unwelcome cells has been rejoined.  Onward!

2)         2)  No negative reaction that we can notice so far to this infusion or the resumption of the pills;  and

3)          3) Today (Friday, 5/25) we went to an afternoon dance at the Solon Senior Center, and danced really most of the time—fourteen tunes, if you count the closing "God Bless America," sung in a group around the floor…(!)  We had a good time, and seemed to get more energetic rather than less as the afternoon went on. 

4)       Also, we had an old-fashioned (though small) supper at the table this evening, and there's no real evidence that the dancing this afternoon was too much…so again, yay!

All for now.  Happy Memorial Day weekend to all!  And again, thanks for your support of all kinds!


